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Global Mission

Welcome to the Florida-Bahamas Synod Webpage for Global Mission!

Facts about FBSynod Global Mission Table and Program

The ministry of the Global Mission Table (GMT) is to foster growth and deepen relationships with our Companion Churches and institution using the ELCA model of Accompaniment. We pray for our Companions, listen to them, and learn from them, as we share Christ and His love in our various contexts and cultures. When feasible, we visit each other to worship together and experience each other’s countries and cultures.

The Florida-Bahamas Synod has 5 Companion Relationships. Click on each of the companion names to learn more and to view photos related to accompaniment activities:

Our mission statement is as follows:

The Global Mission Table of the Florida-Bahamas Synod seeks to ignite and empower its congregations in boldly sharing Christ, passionately making disciples, and faithfully doing justice through accompaniment with our companion churches. Through these partnerships, we strive to encourage one another in faith through relationships, education, advocacy and service in witness to God’s love.

The Global Mission Table is made up of a roster of 18 members, including one of the Assistants to the Bishop.  In addition, each companion relationship has a Team that focuses on just that relationship and reports to the Global Mission Table at their bi-monthly conference calls. In 2021, an additional team was established entitled The Global Mission Scholarship Fund. One member from each of the teams serves on the Scholarship Team. The fund provides continuing education money for all five companions.

We welcome any and all individuals who may have a desire to work with our global church partners to join us in this ministry. While travel has not been able to occur during the pandemic, the companions nevertheless communicate and serve with each other.

For more information about joining the Global Mission Table or any of the companion Teams – please contact Rev. Kathryn Carroll (“Katie”) Chair, Global Mission Table at or 305.505.1656.

Click here to receive the Global Mission Table Newsletter in your email inbox! It is published three times per year.


Global Mission Sunday

By virtue of being part of this synod, you are connected to Global Mission! Congregations are encouraged to set aside a Sunday as “Global Mission Sunday,” to bring attention to Global Mission, our Companion Churches and seminary, and our partnership work together.

WHY?  Projects and programs of the Synod’s Global Mission Committee are not funded by the Florida Bahamas Synod budget.  The Global Mission Committee seeks to raise awareness and money for supporting projects presented to us by our companion relationships.

WHO? The Global Mission Special Projects fund is the general account that receives donations intended to support all aspects of Global Mission’s work. Funds from this account can be used to fund projects in (1) our four Companion Churches – Cuba, Haiti, Guyana, Suriname, (2) the Union Theological College of the West Indies in Jamaica, and (3) the Global mission Scholarship Fund.

WHERE might the money raised in the Global Mission Special Projects Fund go?

  • To provide for bringing companion church representatives to Synod Assembly and the Lake Yale WELCA Conference
  • Help to cover the costs for the tri-annual Caribbean Consultation
  • Support the International Companion Program that brings a youth from a companion church to attend ELCA Youth Gatherings
  • Cover projects that do not fall under a specific companion church category or do not have a designated funding source.

Where do we send the collections?

Florida Bahamas Synod Office – 3838 W. Cypress Street, Tampa, FL  33607  Attn: Kim Raymond

How do we designate the Global Mission Sunday funds?

Note it on the MEMO line:  FB Synod Global Mission – Global Mission Sunday

Can I designate THRIVENT Choice Dollars?

Absolutely!!  Designate your THRIVENT Choice Dollars online to the FB Synod and then send an email to Kim Raymond ( stating that you want your designated Choice Dollars to go to Global Mission.

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

The Global Mission Table participates each year in the observance of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence with churches throughout the Americas and the Caribbean.  The 16 days begins on November 25th, the day designated as the International day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and ends on December 10th, the International Human Rights Day.  This is a United Nation initiative to prevent and respond to a worldwide, systemic inequality  that has affected women and girls.

On each of the sixteen days, companion churches post via social media various prayers, stories, devotions, and images.  The calendar for 2022 can be found HERE.  In 2022, The Florida-Bahamas Synod participated with our companion in Cuba; the collaboration can be found HERESome collaborations from prior years can be HERE (2021)here and here (2020)

Global Mission Fund-Day Ideas

  • Have Sunday School, Bible study class, or Youth Group do display on one or more of our companions – Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Guyana and Suriname
  • Invite Rev. Katie Carroll, Global Mission Chair, to be part of your Fund-Day
  • Include music from our companion countries (or other countries) in worship service
  • Lift up our companions and the Synod Global Mission committee in the prayer of the church
  • Have a luncheon or social hour following worship to include foods from our companion countries
  • Apply for Thrivent Action Team project and get $250 to buy foods for a luncheon or social hour and have people donate money that would go to Global Mission Special Projects Fund
  • Take up a special collection for Global Mission Special Projects, or a companion project (please contact Rev. Katie Carroll for ideas)
  • Invite a former YAGM (Young Adult in Global Mission) to do a presentation

Speak with your pastor, church council, worship & music committee or others to start planning now for your congregation and/or conference to increase awareness and keep Global Mission ALIVE