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Annual Reports and Guidelines

2025 Compensation Update for Rostered Ministers

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

As we approach the close of another year of ministry, we are so grateful for your dedication and commitment to serving God’s people. The work we do together, spreading the good news of the Gospel and providing spiritual care to our communities, remains vital and deeply impactful.

Each year, we review the compensation guidelines for rostered ministers to ensure that they reflect the needs of our clergy and the realities of the broader economic environment. In doing so, we seek to be faithful stewards of our resources while caring for the well-being of those called to lead.

For 2025, the government has established the cost-of-living increase at 2.5%. However, after careful consideration, the synod’s Compensation Committee recommends a minimum increase of 3% for rostered ministers. This recommendation acknowledges the increasing demands placed on clergy and ensures that compensation remains fair and just, enabling ministers to focus on their calling without undue financial stress.

We encourage each congregation to review these guidelines thoughtfully and prayerfully, taking into account both the specific needs of your community and your commitment to supporting your pastor or deacon. Compensation is not only a matter of financial security but also a reflection of the mutual care and respect that exists between the congregation and its rostered ministers.

Thank you for your continued partnership in ministry and for the care you provide to your pastor, deacon, and congregation. May God continue to bless you in your ministry and sustain you in the year ahead.


The Florida-Bahamas Compensation Team

Compensation Guidelines:

Mission Support Form (use this form to submit your intended Mission Support commitment)

Resources for Closing and Leaving a Legacy (from the Southwestern Texas Synod)

More FORMS often submitted to the synod office (Mission Support, Travel Equalization, etc)