Dear Siblings in Christ,
Campus pastors are equipped with the pastoral skills necessary to face most of the challenges students face on campuses like mental health crises, substance abuse, and theological questions and pressures. However, the shortage of student housing is one challenge for which the seminary doesn’t prepare its students.
The Jacksonville Campus Ministry is a partnership with Redeemer Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Through this partnership, Rev. Sara Locke, campus pastor, was able to provide six students with housing in less than one year. The Jacksonville Campus Ministry now has safe and affordable housing right on Redeemer’s campus.
However, the housing crisis continues on and off campus in Jacksonville. The main university in the city has prioritized underclassmen for housing this year, leaving upperclassmen scrambling for expensive housing as a new semester begins. With this in mind, JCM is renovating another conference room to add a seventh bedroom to our residence. Not everyone can be housed, but JCM can make a difference for one more student.
Your gift will allow JCM to provide affordable, safe, and inclusive housing for college students in the Jacksonville area.
This year marked the beginning of a new era for Jacksonville Campus Ministry, and Pastor Sarah is encouraged by God’s abundance and faithfulness at every turn, and so it is fitting that this is the year we mark the 50th Anniversary of Jacksonville Campus Ministry’s impact in their community because they know God will only continue to expand it in the years to come.
Pastor Sarah often references the story of Jesus feeding thousands of people with five loaves and two fishes because God is always able to do so much more with our offerings. “You, my friends, are the ones providing this offering, and we could not be more thankful.”
With gratitude,
Pastor Sarah Locke

Mission Partner 100 (MP100) FAQs
What is MP100?
MP100 is a synod campaign that invites donors to support specific projects for congregations designated by the Office of the Bishop. MP100 recipients are often congregations that have a specific construction or facility need related to their ministry priorities and vision for mission. The vision of MP100 is that if a large group of donors contribute $100 each, the funding available for specific projects increases. MP100 is an example of how we can be ‘church together for the sake of the world’ as the Florida-Bahamas Synod.
How do I contribute?
You can send in a donation to the synod office designated for “MP100”. You can also designate your electronic gift for MP100 through the Give Now link.
How are recipients chosen?
Each year, MP100 recipients are chosen in consultation between the Directors for Evangelical Mission and the Bishop. The recipient (congregation) is invited to submit a brief description of the target project that is then shared with the donor list.
How do I get onto the donor list?
You may send a note to Yuliet Garcia, Administrative Assistant to the DEMs (yulietg@fbsynod.org), to request an MP100 letter. When you make a donation to MP100, you are automatically added to the list for following years.
Over the years, Mission Partners 100 program has been able to make a difference in our congregations and new developments of the Florida-Bahamas Synod. Over the last two years these congregations have benefitted from this wonderful program, and a total of $41,239.50 has been raised:
- Stephen Lutheran Church, Pompano Beach – New church sign
- St. Paul Lutheran Church, Pensacola – New church sign
- St. John’s Lutheran Church, Jacksonville – Repairing of the facilities & expansion of the food pantry
- Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Tampa – Repair & renovation of main entrance and bathrooms
- The Community, ELCA, Babcock Ranch – Worshipping community building
Many Ways to Give
First, please give your prayer support, and then select which option works best for you.
Over the years Mission Partners 100 has expanded to include opportunities to give in addition to the central and primary $100 gift for those looking to empower mission development further in special circumstances called Mission Partners Plus.
Through Mission Partners Plus you can provide a second $100 gift:
- To the Mission Partner 100 current appeal!
- Other Developing Ministries
- For Multi-Cultural Development
Go to https://fbsynod.com/ and click “Give Now!” Designate your gift to one of the 3 MP100 categories:
- MP100 Current Appeal (provides support for specific project identified)
- MP100 Multicultural Development (provides support for any multicultural development ministry)
- MP100 Mission Development (provides support for any mission development ministry)
SPREAD the word about MP100 in your congregation: Speakers are available to come to your congregation and tell the Mission Partners 100 story and invite individuals from your congregation to become partners. E-mail Yuliet Garcia at yulietg@fbsynod.org about your interest to schedule.