Dear Siblings in Christ,
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am writing today to share some personal news with you. Beginning on February 10, 2025, I will be going on a sabbatical leave for a time of rest, renewal, and reflection. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity to pause, reflect on the journey thus far, and seek God’s guidance for the road ahead.
During my absence, I have every confidence that the work of the Florida-Bahamas Synod will continue faithfully and fruitfully. Pastor Rob Rose, who serves as Assistant to the Bishop for Administration, will assume the role of Acting Bishop during this time. Pastor Rose brings a steady hand and a compassionate heart to this work, and I know you will be well served by his leadership.
Additionally, Pastor Edward Benoway, who previously served as bishop of this synod and has since retired, will provide invaluable support and backup to Pastor Rose. Pastor Benoway’s wisdom, experience, and pastoral care will be a blessing to our synod in these months. The life of the Church continues, and I trust that all of you will remain steadfast in your ministries and mission. I ask for your prayers as I step into this season of rest. Pray that I may find renewal in mind, body, and spirit, and that the time away will bring fresh vision and energy for the work we do together in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Please also keep Pastor Rose and Pastor Benoway in your prayers. They will be watching over the synod’s ministry with great care and diligence. I know you will be in good hands with these faithful servants of God tending to the “shop” while I am away.
I look forward to returning in May, refreshed and ready to continue serving alongside you in the mission we share. Until then, may God’s grace abound in every aspect of your lives and ministry.
With gratitude and hope,
Bishop Pedro Suárez