It’s Time to Start Thinking about the 2021 Youth Gathering in Minneapolis!!
Florida-Bahamas Synod Gathering Coordinator: Rich Langston
Florida-Bahamas Synod Gathering Coordinator: Rich Langston
14I kneel in prayer to the Father. 15All beings in heaven and on earth receive their life from [God]. 16God is wonderful and glorious. I pray that [God’s] Spirit will make you become strong followers 17and that Christ will live in your hearts because of your faith. Stand firm and be deeply rooted in [God’s] love. 18I pray that you and all of God’s people will understand what is called wide or long or high or deep. 19I want you to know all about Christ’s love, although it is too wonderful to be measured. Then your lives will be filled with all that God is. 20-21I pray that Christ Jesus and the church will forever bring praise to God. [God’s] power at work in us can do far more than we dare ask or imagine. Amen. Ephesians 3:14-21 CEV
We are bound. Bound by our sin, by the expectations of others, by poverty, by -isms that try to divide us, and by so much more. In a life that often feels as if it has young people in a suffocating grip, we want them to imagine the boundlessness of God: boundless love, boundless mercy, boundless freedom, boundless creation, boundless strength. All offered from a gracious and loving God who knows and adores them. All so abundant and endless it cannot be measured.
What are the stories of God’s people, both in Scripture and modern-day, that share the awe and wonder of just how vast our God is? What does it mean, what does it look and feel like to live a life “filled with all that God is”? How can young people find themselves within the boundlessness of Christ’s love?
MYLE, the tAble and the Gathering are unique opportunities to invite young people into a deeper relationship with a God whose possibilities are boundless. Through one-of-a-kind experiences, this ministry stretches and affirms young people’s gifts and calls. They experience the power of the Spirit within them, that frees them to live in the grace of God’s boundless love in Jesus Christ.
A pdf version of this theme information can be found here.
Please feel free to Contact Rich with questions about the Gathering. Rich is available to host Zoom/Skype conversations to assist in planning. He’s also available to be invited to conference events to speak to groups of leaders and answer questions.