Hope Lutheran Church is offering a Tax Seminar for Clergy on Friday, November 11. The leader for the seminar is Dr. John Stancil, a well- known expert on clergy taxes.... read more →
All members and friends of the Florida-Bahamas Synod are invited to "An Evening with Bishop Elizabeth Eaton" on Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 7:30PM. The Presiding Bishop of the ELCA... read more →
Eighteen years ago, the Office of the Bishop responded to the need congregations experienced for a person to whom they could turn for recommendations on resources of all types. This... read more →
The Rev. Richard Malivuk, Lutz, Florida will become the Vice President of Program for NovusWay Ministries on, October 1, 2016, according to Keith Johnson, Executive Director. The Vice President of... read more →
Steve Beumer, St. John, Winter Park, writes about the World Hunger gathering in Chicago in July, 2016 Over 130 World Hunger leaders gathered in Chicago during mid-July for a national... read more →
Michele Hilton shares an endearing story about Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. I have to tell you….when “we” finish with our synod assemblies (3 days and 550 attendees) – I am... read more →
Check out MIF’s special investment rates Want great interest earnings on your savings in a low-interest environment? Look to the Mission Investment Fund. For a limited time, MIF is offering... read more →
Beloved sisters and brothers in Christ, “Freed and Renewed in Christ,” was the theme of the triennial Churchwide Assembly of the ELCA in New Orleans Aug. 8-13. While there were about... read more →
The congregation says to the newly baptized, “We welcome you into the mission we share.” Synod Deacon Glenn Schaeffer, St. Paul, Pensacola, realized that this could be a mission moment.... read more →