February 22, 2019 Dear friends in Christ, I kindly request you join me in focused prayer for the wonderful country of Venezuela, where I was born and raised. As my... read more →
By Michelle Collins, Florida-Bahamas Synod Hurricane Michael hit the Panhandle of Florida with surprising strength, devastating the area and causing damage that will take years to recover from and repair. ... read more →
October 12, 2018 Dear Friends in Christ, Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus, who stands with us in the midst of storms and strengthens us in... read more →
May 3, 2018 Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Florida-Bahamas Synod, It is with great joy and thanksgiving that I announce the addition of two members to the synod staff. ... read more →
4 de mayo del 2018 Queridas hermanas y hermanos del Sínodo Florida-Bahamas, Es con gran alegría y acción de gracias que anuncio la incorporación de dos miembros al personal sinodal.... read more →
The following interview was posted in the Feb. 5 "First Monday" e-newsletter from diakonia. Lynn Harmening-Marlowe is now a candidate for rostered ministry in the Florida-Bahamas Synod. Find out more... read more →
Pr. Tom Unrath, Messiah, Cocoa, was presented the MS Activist of the Year award from the Mid-Florida Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) in December, 2017. This award... read more →
Scroll down for Spanish November 27, 2017 Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Florida-Bahamas Synod, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus who blesses us with peace and whose... read more →
Florida-Bahamas Synod Assembly October 12, 2017 Text: John 17:20-24 Theme: "I Ask...That They May Be One...That the World Might Believe" A Sermon from Bishop Marcus C. Lohrmann As we gather... read more →
The following statement was adopted by the ELCA Conference of Bishops and released after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2013. The Conference of Bishops is currently meeting... read more →