With guidance from Bishop Lohrmann, the synod council and from Ken Innskeep (head of ELCA Research and Evaluation group in Chicago), we created the 2017 Profile for the upcoming Bishop election.
This profile gives a high-level picture of the demographics and characteristics of this synod that will be helpful to pastors who are discerning their openness to the call to be bishop and for those who will be prayerfully voting for the next bishop. Please carefully read through this synod profile, and include it in your discernment and prayers.
At the end of the profile (and included below) is a link to a survey, which is an opportunity for you to provide your feedback. Your comments are vital to offer a voice from all corners of the Synod, sharing your thoughts, dreams and needs as we move into a new chapter of our lives as church together.
The information gathered from the survey will be summarized and available on the web site in August.
Thank you for your participation ahead of time. If you have any questions about the information in this profile, the survey, or anything else related to the bishop’s transition, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the synod office. As we seek the Spirit’s guidance in this time, may our hearts be filled with the hope we receive in the Gospel.