Hurricane Matthew has been the worst disaster that happened to us after the earthquake. It leaves families in a very precarious situation that is even worst than the earthquake because is has caused a lot of damage to communities in terms of destruction. The death toll was very low comparing to the earthquake, but it had a very bad impact on the country because it has destroyed the agricultural system–the engine of the economy that helps the people to survive both in terms of money and providing food to the rest of the country. As a direct impact, in the countryside crops were destroyed, the water system was destroyed and polluted (which is an open door for water born diseases), livestock destroyed. All the infrastructures were impacted: schools, churches buildings, and health centers. Roads and bridges were destroyed and cut off, not allowing access to other communities etc. Suffice to say, the situation has been disastrous. Indirectly, the entire country has been impacted as well, because all the food we use in Port-au-Prince comes from the countryside. Thus, food scarcity has been the new reality of our communities.
Seeing what was going on, ELH had made a request to help feed families in les Cayes and Jean Rabel for a month. The list came to a total of 594+ people. As a response to this tragedy where over a million people are dying of hunger, the Florida-Bahamas Synod of the ELCA responded graciously by providing money to help feed these two communities. Through your donation, more than 130 families received much needed food.
The Lutheran Church of Haiti, thanks you on behalf of these two communities for your support in providing food for their families and children who were desperate for food after Hurricane Matthew. This is a sign that we do preach the Gospel through both words and deeds.
We send our thanks as well to all the churches in the Florida-Bahamas Synod that have contributed to this great act of kindness to our brothers and sisters in Haiti. Because of you, many people now have a plate of food to feed their family during this difficult time.
May God continue to bless you, as you are a blessing to others!
Peace, love and many blessings,
Rev. Joseph Livenson Lauvanus.