We are Centered in Our Faith in Christ
As Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Christians, we have a radical focus on God’s unconditional love. We believe that the word of the God is Jesus Christ himself, with a second understanding that the message of Jesus Christ is also the word of God.
The ELCA looks to the Bible for authority in its preaching and teaching, yet does not take a literalist approach to scripture.
We celebrate the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s supper–external signs instituted by Christ that convey God’s grace and mercy. The ELCA is an inclusive and ecumenical church and seeks relationships with other religious traditions.
We are part of the ELCA, a church body that consists of 4 million baptized members, worshiping in nearly 10,000 congregations within 65 synods in 9 geographic regions.
We are Connected in Partnership
- One of 65 Synods
- One of six synods in Region 9 (Southeast U.S.)
- One of 28 Reconciling in Christ synods
- Divided into 15 Conferences
- Baptized Members: 43,320
- Total Congregations:
- 165 organized
- 8 unorganized
- Partnership Synod:
- Metropolitan Chicago Synod
- Companion Churches:
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in Guyana
- Evangelical Lutheran Kierke (Church) in Suriname
- Eglise Lutherienne d’Haiti (Lutheran Church in Haiti)
- United Lutheran College of the West Indies-Jamaica
- Iglesia Evangelica de Confesion Luterana en Cuba (Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Cuba)
- Pastors (Word & Sacrament):
- Active: 190
- Retired: 226
- Deacons (Word & Service):
- Active: 14
- Retired: 13
- Candidates for Word & Sacrament and Word & Service Ministry: 29
We Gather as God’s People
Synod Assembly
2025 – Embassy Suites – Kissimmee – June 12 – 14 (Business)
ELCA Churchwide Assembly 2025
Phoenix, AZ
Important Numbers:
ELCA Churchwide Offices
(800) 638-3522 or (773) 380-2700
Portico (Board of Pensions)
(800) 352-2876, Fax: 612-334-5399
Augsburg Fortress Publishers
(800) 328-4648