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Disaster Response

Florida-Bahamas Synod Disaster Response & Preparedness

Congregations proclaim the gospel in many ways in the community in which they live: worship, vision planning, social ministry, youth programs and much more. When a crisis or disaster arises and God’s people are hurting and scared, God gives us the gift to share the hope and promise of new life in the midst of devastation. The call of God motivates the church to reach into the world, to be full participants in the community, and to care for the earth with all its creatures. When something happens in our community, our neighbors will be knocking on our doors whether or not we are prepared to step up to the needs. It also makes sense to be prepared to care for the people, buildings, information, programs, networks and other resources that are important to us and our community.

Disaster Preparedness and Response Plans 

Resources to assist congregations in preparing disaster and response plans:

2024 Florida Bahamas Synod Severe Weather Disaster Response Plan

The Office of the Bishop has responsibility to shepherd and resource rostered leaders and congregations in times of disaster. The Bishop will administer the response through the Disaster Response Director, Pr. Rob Rose. Communication during a disaster is key and initial communications will be coordinated through the conference deans.

Disaster Response Procedures

  1. In the event a Hurricane Warning is issued by the National Weather Service, the Disaster Response Director will contact the deans in the warning area. Deans will then communicate with all congregations in their conference to review the status of preparations and to ascertain if any support is needed and what can be provided. Deans will report the status of their conferences to the synod office.
  1. As soon as is practical after the weather event is over, affected congregations will advise their conference deans as to the extent of any damage and preliminary needs to begin recovery. If an individual congregation suffers damage from an unexpected event such as flooding, hail, or fire, please advise your conference dean, who will then notify the synod office.
  1. As soon as is practical, the Disaster Response Director will hold a conference call with ALL conference deans to review the needs of affected congregations and determine what help, if any, unaffected congregations may be able to offer.
  1. The Bishop, the Disaster Response Director, and deans, will visit the affected areas as soon as it is practical to do so.
  1. The Disaster Response Director will be in communication with the Bishop, deployed staff, and deans to address the immediate needs and the most effective ways to shepherd and resource rostered leaders and congregations.
  1. Deans and contact persons in affected areas should continue to provide regular updates to Pr. Rob Rose at or Bill Rosche at or call the synod office at 813- 876-7660.
  1. Office of the Bishop will work with local, state, and federal government agencies, as well as ecumenical and civic disaster response groups to mitigate risk and provide quick and effective disaster response.
  1. Volunteer efforts will be coordinated through the synod office.

Additional Resources

Preparedness resources for specific disasters

The following form can assist request financial assistance from the Synod.

How to Donate

  • To the Florida-Bahamas Synod Disaster Response fund, specifically designating “Disaster Response’ by mail: Florida-Bahamas Synod, 3838 West Cypress Street, Tampa, FL 33607  
  • Or through secure online contributions via our website fbsynod.comClick HERE to give online. 
  • Or tLDR by mail:  Lutheran Disaster Response, P.O. Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009 (If you want to designate funds to a specific disaster, please specify it on the memo line.)