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Let’s Talk! Virtual Rostered Ministers Gathering

August 20, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Join Bishop Suárez and Dr. Brad Binau, along with special guests and coaches, for a virtual Rostered Ministers gathering on August 20th! All Rostered Ministers are encouraged to participate.
Our special guest speaker, Dr. Brad Binau, is a professor of Pastoral Theology at Trinity Seminary in Columbus, Ohio. He will be giving a special presentation titled, “Problem or Dilemma? What We Can’t Fix We Can Often Manage”. This talk will address Rostered Ministers engaging the challenges of leading in ministry and mission in these days.
After opening prayer and devotions from Bishop Suárez, we will hear from Dr. Johan Bergh, ACC, Pastor at St. Philip Lutheran in Mt. Dora, and from our guest speaker, Dr. Brad Binau. Later, we’ll break into small groups for discussion together. Coaches from throughout our synod and others will join to help facilitate conversation.


August 20, 2020
10:00 am - 11:30 am