I am so thankful to Pr. Cosmas for the invitation to be with you here at Reformation on this Sunday. Just a week ago you gathered to the sound of... read more →
The Fund for Leaders and the ELCA Foundation are pleased to announce the establishment of the A. Craig Settlage Memorial Scholarship Fund. The fund is intended as an expression of... read more →
Dear friends in Christ, As we continue to mourn, lament, and try to make sense out of the massacre in Orlando this past Sunday, many individuals and churches have asked... read more →
The Experience Touring Choir, from Christ Lutheran Church in Charlotte, North Carolina will be on tour in Florida beginning June 19. Imagine 65 high school students taking time from their... read more →
Yesterday, just a few hours before the end of the Florida-Bahamas Synod Assembly under the theme, "Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters"(Amos 5:24), less than fifty miles from where we... read more →
The Rev. Dr. Lavern Gerhard Franzen died on May 24, 2016 in Venice, Florida. He was 90 years of age. Pastor Franzen was born in Lehigh, Nebraska and... read more →
The Youth Group at Christ Lutheran Church in Cape Coral recently held a "Pasta and Plastic" night to help get the almost 6000 plastic bags they have collected ready to... read more →
Two workshops have been added to our Saturday, June 11 workshop time! You don’t have to register, just show up. A _7 - 2:30 PM –... read more →
Linda Rivera, Cristo Rey, Orlando writes about her experience serving on Synod Council and encourages others to to serve! "About a year ago I was asked if I would be... read more →
On Sunday, September 11, 2016, congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America will again join together for "God's work. Our hands." Sunday. Whether we clean parks and roadways, visit... read more →