3…2…1..blast off! The 2024 Vision to Action (v2A) Grant Season has begun and the website is available to view! V2AGrants.org is chock-full of information to guide you through the grant process.
V2A was launched in 2023 as the granting program of the Florida-Bahamas Synod to fund innovative, new ministries focused on intentional evangelism and growing new faith communities. It’s back in 2024 with a total of up to $600K to grant to qualifying congregations and organizations. Many of the guidelines are similar to 2023, though there are some important additions and enhancements:
- ALL applicants (no exceptions!) are required to have a representative attend a virtual Introductory Workshop. The first one is this Thursday, February 29 at 2 p.m., and there are further options throughout March and April. Sign up TODAY by clicking here.
- Along with developing your own project, this year V2A is offering two “packaged grant ideas” with the basic outline, timeline and budget provided. Learn more about the different project development options here.
- As in 2023, all congregations must have made a commitment to Mission Support and be making progress on it, and must also be current on annual ELCA Trend Reports. In addition in 2024, congregations must have representation at the Synod Assembly and Conference on Ministry.
Read the website carefully including FAQs; be sure to click on the various helpful links to how-to guides, sample applications, explanations and more. 2024 promises to be a year of innovation, excitement and growth. You are invited to catch the vision and be part of it!