Listen in over the next several weeks as some of the current diakonia students chat about their experience with the guided, self-study program for Adult Faith formation. This week we talk with John.
Michele: Hi John. I am excited to talk with you about your perspective on the diakonia program because you are our first snowbird student!
You split your time between Pennsylvania and Fort Myers, and I also know that you have participated in lots of Bible studies and you have been a Bible study leader as well. Why did you join the program?
John: I am glad you asked. When my Cape Coral congregation joined the program several years ago, I so much wanted to be part of that experience. Instruction was in-person at that time and I started to think of creative ways that I could be the first student from two different synods to complete a diakonia program. I soon realized it was not meant to be and only a few years later a total online experience opened up and I immediately said, “Sign me up.” This will work and it will work for other snowbirds as well. It has been a terrific learning experience.
Michele: With all of your previous religious education, I am curious to know – did the courses you have taken keep you engaged?
John: Great question. These are truly engaging and interesting courses. The content and types of discussion not only center around Gospel, ethics, worship, visitation, creeds and confessions to name a few, but the depth of discussion and sharing that take place between students and the instructors is very powerful. You cannot help but feel engaged.
Michele: You have completed 10 of the 12 courses in the Faith and Service path and you will be a member of the graduating class in January 2023. What would you say to someone thinking about this program?
John: For anyone considering the diakonia program in this synod, I would encourage you to jump right into the online experience. There is a “right” time all the time. Materials are available online for you to use when you are available. Pastors and other staff make themselves available to help and guide you along the way; classmates from across the state are eager to help one another along the path and serve as a perfect example of the true meaning of diakonia – Service Among Others. Join us.