As we prepare to move into the fourth year of the campaign for the ELCA, we commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. We have the unique opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to serve and love our neighbors throughout the world through 2017’s campaign theme of Global Church. The Synod Council has urged congregations to engage in the campaign through an annual Lenten emphasis on the yearly theme. In addition, offerings from the Bishop’s Lenten Visitations, Synod Assembly and Conference on Ministry will support the campaign in this way.
The Global Church focus of the Campaign has 3 areas of additional focus: Global Ministries, Young Adults in Global Mission, and the International Women’s Leaders initiative.
One way congregations of the Florida-Bahamas Synod can lift up the work of Global Ministries during Lent or throughout the year is using a new resource, Global Church Minutes. These are short, one minute or less, prayers to be incorporated into weekly worship throughout 2017. These prayers serve as a reminder of our connection to our brothers and sisters around the world.
Another way to engage in this initiative during Lent and throughout the year is to learn more about and support the Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) ministry. This synod currently has 3 young adults serving as YAGMs around the world. Include their names in your prayers. Encourage small groups or classes in your congregation to write notes of encouragement to these young adults. Read their blogs and stay connected with their journeys. Invite a young adult who has gone on a mission trip to share with your men’s or women’s group. Learn a song from a different part of the world.
A third emphasis of the Global Church focus is International Women’s Leaders. The ELCA Campaign hopes to raise $4 million for international women leaders around the world. Learn more in the video below:
Inspiring International Women Leaders from ELCA on Vimeo.
To learn more about the ELCA Campaign and the Global Church focus, visit the Campaign web page.