Racism is one of those topics we’d rather not talk about. But if it is ever going to end, we need to take time to talk about it and confront it. It is an evil that pervades our culture and our hearts. Together, we can take small and large steps toward ending racism.
In January, we have the opportunity to listen, learn, and share with others what racism means to us, what it means to others, and develop skills for creating change. Hope is a “Partner Site” for Trinity Institute’s Annual Conference with the theme “Listen for a Change.” The event takes place at Trinity Church in New York City, and is streamed to Partner Sites throughout the world, Thursday through Saturday, January 21-23, 2016.
The Institute consists of worship, keynote addresses, plenary sessions with speakers and panelists, and local forums, where the content of the presentations can be discussed in small groups.
Hope Ev. Lutheran Church, 9425 N Citrus Springs Blvd, Citrus Springs, FL is hosting this event in partnership with Christians United in Christ, an organization of churches in the Dunnellon and Citrus Springs area. The registration cost is $25 and helps cover the cost of streaming the event.
To register for the event at Hope, send a check payable to Hope Lutheran Church with your name and phone number to Hope Ev. Lutheran Church, PO Box 2070, Dunnellon, FL 34430
For information about Hope Lutheran Church, contact Pastor Lynn Fonfara, lynnfonfara@hotmail.com