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Healthy Boundaries

The Florida-Bahamas Synod is dedicated to maintaining as safe an environment as possible for rostered ministers and laity alike.

Basic Boundaries Education 2023

Since Region 9 Boundaries and Inclusion Education (R9BIE) plans annual, and three-year rotational, boundaries educational opportunities and learning events. Therefore, the Florida-Bahamas Synod encourages our rostered ministers, seminarians, and interns to participate in the Region 9 boundaries educations.

  • R9BIE.2023-Basic Boundaries


  • Thursday, Oct. 5, 9am – 4pm (12-1pm break) ET / 8am – 3pm (11am-12pm break) CT
  • Tuesday, Oct. 24, 9am – 4pm (12-1pm break) ET / 8am – 3pm (11am-12pm break) CT
  • Saturday, Nov. 11, 9am – 4pm (12-1pm break) ET / 8am – 3pm (11am-12pm break) CT

*All active rostered ministers are required to attend one of the above education opportunities.*

  • R9BIE.2024-Racial Justice
  • R9BIE.2025-Gender Justice

Florida-Bahamas Synod Boundaries Education

In July of 2019, in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the ordination of women, the bishops of Region 9 developed the “Region 9 Bishops’ Relational Agreement for boundaries, candidacy and call process.” The introductory paragraph of that document states:

Committed to always reforming for the health of leaders, vitality of congregations, and the flourishing of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we agree to work together as a region to address systemic issues facing rostered ministers who are women. Together, we will work to create a culture change in our region through deepening trust and relationship – creating authentic avenues for reporting, responding, education, advocacy and care.

Every active rostered minister, candidate for rostered ministry, synodically authorized minister or lay preacher is required to be current on their annual boundaries education in order to activate an RMP, transfer into another synod of Region 9, be available for any call or appointment, including interim work, or serve as a synod-recommended supply preacher.

Region 9 Bishops’ Relational Agreement