What is SWO?
All women of the Florida-Bahamas Synod are encouraged to join us (Florida-Bahamas Synodical Women’s Organization or SWO) in becoming more involved in the fellowship of the Women of the ELCA. We are the coordinating body for synod-wide events and promote communication between churchwide, conferences, and local congregational units. We sponsor uplifting and renewing FALL GATHERINGS, we come together at conference events especially at SPRING GATHERINGS, and we delight in sharing ministry as well as ourselves.
Conferences and Congregational Units, who do you contact?
- Do you need to know about upcoming events?
- Do you need clarification on Conference or Congregational Unit responsibilities?
- Do you have questions concerning the Synodical Women’s Organization?
- Do you have concerns that need to be presented to the SWO Board for resolution?
- Do you need contact information for Board or Conference officers?
Who do you ask?
The Conference Coordinator is the woman for you! The Conference Coordinator facilitates communication between the FL-BA SWO (Synodical Women’s Organization) Board and the Units via the Conferences.
Who is the Conference Coordinator?
Laurie Nelson, 2223 Buffalo Ave, Port Charlotte Fl 33952 or email nlsnlaur@yahoo.com . She will find the answers for your questions. Laurie is a “two-way street” for both information gathering and distribution. She maintains the roster of Conference leaders for the FL-BA Synodical Women’s Organization. Feel free to contact her.