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Vitality Training Retreat–Tampa Conference

In the South Region, each retreat will be from 10:00-4:00 (unless otherwise specified) and include worship, brief conference business, and lunch. Details from conference deans coming soon. RSVP to conference deans to assist with planning. 10/12 - Mid-Gulf Conference (Emmanuel, Venice) **this retreat is from 9:00-3:00 10/26 - Caloosa Conference (Emmanuel, Naples) 11/2 - Tampa Conference (Good Shepherd, Tampa) 11/16 - Miami-Dade and Broward-Bahamas Conferences (St. John, Hollywood) 1/4/2020 - Lake Conference (Lamb of God, Haines City) 1/18/2020 - Tradewinds Conference (location TBD) In the North Region, retreats will run from 9:00-2:00 (unless otherwise specified). 10/12 – Sun Coast (Trinity, St. Petersburg) 10/19 – Panhandle (St. Paul's, Niceville) 11/2 – Gulf Coast (Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Palm Harbor) 11/9 – First Coast (St. Mark's, Jacksonville)

Vitality Training Event–First Coast Conference

In the South Region, each retreat will be from 10:00-4:00 (unless otherwise specified) and include worship, brief conference business, and lunch. Details from conference deans coming soon. RSVP to conference deans to assist with planning. 10/12 - Mid-Gulf Conference (Emmanuel, Venice) **this retreat is from 9:00-3:00 10/26 - Caloosa Conference (Emmanuel, Naples) 11/2 - Tampa Conference (Good Shepherd, Tampa) 11/16 - Miami-Dade and Broward-Bahamas Conferences (St. John, Hollywood) 1/4/2020 - Lake Conference (Lamb of God, Haines City) 1/18/2020 - Tradewinds Conference (location TBD) In the North Region, retreats will run from 9:00-2:00 (unless otherwise specified). 10/12 – Sun Coast (Trinity, St. Petersburg) 10/19 – Panhandle (St. Paul's, Niceville) 11/2 – Gulf Coast (Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Palm Harbor) 11/9 – First Coast (St. Mark's, Jacksonville)

AFFS Series Concert – Prince of Peace, Largo

AFFS Series Performances All concerts held in the Sanctuary of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 455 Missouri Ave. Largo, FL 33770 Unless otherwise noted, all concerts are presented free-of-charge. Seating is first come, first serve. Sunday, December 15 6:00pm Santa Lucia Festival of Lessons and Carols A service for choirs and congregation followed by the telling of the story of Santa Lucia and cookie reception. Festival Choir, organ, handbells, and instruments. Free tickets are required for this event, phone the church for more information.

AFFS Series Concert – Prince of Peace, Largo

All concerts held in the Sanctuary of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 455 Missouri Ave. Largo, FL 33770 Unless otherwise noted, all concerts are presented free-of-charge. Seating is first come, first serve. Sunday, January 5 5:00pm Epiphany Feast of Lights Commemorating the visit of the wisemen including readings, tableau, Festival choir, and instruments. Wassail Party to follow

Synod Parish Deacon Retreat

This year’s Synod Parish Deacon Retreat (January 10-11, 2020, Epiphany Lutheran, Oviedo)   More information:

Lutheran Hymn Festival, Peace Lutheran, Ft. Myers

Lutheran Hymn Festival Friday, January 24, 7:00pm The choirs of Messiah Lutheran Church, Deacon John Renfroe, director, and the Peace Lutheran Choir, Ric Jaeggi, director, will join in a traditional, Lutheran grown Hymn Festival. It is our great pleasure to announce that Mark Mummert, of Trinity Lutheran in Massachusetts will be the guest musician. Peace Lutheran Church 15840 McGregor Blvd Fort Myers, FL 33908 (239) 437-2599

AFFS Concert Series – Prince of Peace, Largo

Art for Faith's Sake (AFFS) Concert Series All concerts held in the Sanctuary of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 455 Missouri Ave. Largo, FL 33770 Unless otherwise noted, all concerts are presented free-of-charge. Seating is first come, first serve. Sunday, January 26 3:00pm Fandango! Grammy-nominated quartet (guitar, cello, flute, violin) playing a mix of Latin, Spanish, Sephardic, Balkan, and classical sounds.