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Conferences of the Florida-Bahamas Synod

What is a conference?

The congregations of the Florida-Bahamas Synod are organized into 15 conferences that are coordinated by a Dean and a Chair. The conferences are to foster interdependent relationships among congregations, institutions, and synodical and churchwide units for mission purposes. The purpose and function of each conference includes:

  • studying the Holy Scriptures and Christian doctrine and promoting such study within the congregations;
  • quickening and deepening the spiritual life of rostered ministers and laypersons;
  • cultivating Christian fellowship;
  • providing a forum for discussing matter of local interest and concerns;
  • discussing the mission of this church;
  • supporting the total program of this church and of this synod, including responsible involvement in meeting the financial needs for the mission of this church and this synod; and
  • serving as a working unit of this synod to promote the mission of this synod and this church in that conference and among conferences.